
What Is A Registered Partnership

Relationship between two people who live together but are non married

A domestic partnership is a legal relationship between two individuals who live together and share a mutual domestic life, but are not married (to each other or to anyone else). People in domestic partnerships receive benefits that guarantee right of survivorship, infirmary visitation, and others.

The term is not used consistently, which results in some inter-jurisdictional confusion. Some jurisdictions, such equally Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. states of California, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington use the term "domestic partnership" to mean what other jurisdictions phone call civil matrimony, civil partnership, or registered partnership. Other jurisdictions utilize the term equally it was originally coined, to mean an interpersonal status created by local municipal and canton governments, which provides an extremely express range of rights and responsibilities.

Some legislatures take voluntarily established domestic partnership relations by statute instead of beingness ordered to do so by a court. Although some jurisdictions accept instituted domestic partnerships as a way to recognize same-sex marriage, statutes do exist which provide for recognition of opposite-sex domestic partnerships in many jurisdictions.

In some legal jurisdictions, domestic partners who live together for an extended menstruum of time but are not legally entitled to common-constabulary matrimony may be entitled to legal protection in the class of a domestic partnership. Some domestic partners may enter into nonmarital human relationship contracts in gild to concord, either verbally or in writing, to issues involving property ownership, support obligations, and similar problems mutual to matrimony. (See effects of spousal relationship and palimony.) Beyond agreements, registration of relationships in domestic partnership registries allow for the jurisdiction to formally acknowledge domestic partnerships as valid relationships with limited rights.

Overview [edit]

Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, a Domestic Partnership, Same Sex Marriage or Civil Union are each separate and singled-out legal concepts. The domestic partnership is a legal human relationship between two people of the same or opposite sex who live together and share a domestic life, but aren't married or joined by a ceremonious spousal relationship nor are blood relatives. It may be established by contract between the parties, simply more oft by registration co-ordinate to procedures established by a state or municipal government. Benefits granted nether a domestic partnership vary amongst different jurisdictions. Some accord full health benefits, others only a correct of visitation.[ane] In nevertheless other jurisdictions, registered domestic partners are accorded a legal status similar to that of a married person with respect to matters of probate, guardianships, conservatorships, inheritance, protection from abuse, and related matters.[2]

Since the 2015 US Supreme Court's decision legalizing aforementioned-sex wedlock, there have been fewer US domestic partnerships registered, but in many jurisdictions they are still immune for couples of the aforementioned gender or unlike genders who don't want to ally but yet would like to be eligible for certain benefits. Many couples opt for a domestic partnership after comparing the potential tax consequences of beingness married.[three]

In the U.s. [edit]

State laws regarding same-sex unions like to marriage in the United States1

 Domestic partnerships or civil unions granting country privileges of marriage2

 Domestic partnerships granting express/enumerated privileges

 No aforementioned-sex unions similar to marriage

 Same-sex unions similar to matrimony banned

 Same-sex and opposite-sex unions similar to marriage banned

1Not recognized by the federal government. Yet, aforementioned-sex marriage is legal nationwide (excluding some territories and Native American tribal jurisdictions) and is recognized by the federal regime. Aforementioned-sex activity unions similar to marriage are provided at the local level in many jurisdictions.
2Domestic partnerships in Washington are only bachelor when at least ane of the partners is 62 years of age or older.

Laws regarding same-sex activity partnerships similar to matrimony by land, county, and local level in the United States1

 Aforementioned-sexual activity unions similar to spousal relationship2

 Domestic partnership granting express/enumerated privileges

 State grants benefits to state employees

 Aforementioned-sex unions not provided

oneNot recognized by the federal government. Yet, aforementioned-sexual practice union is legal nationwide (excluding some territories and Native American tribal jurisdictions) and is recognized by the federal government.
twoDomestic partnerships in Washington are only available when at least one of the partners is 62 years of age or older.

Origin of term in Californian municipalities [edit]

In Baronial 1979, gay rights activist Tom Brougham proposed a new category of relationship called "domestic partnership".[4] Initially, the requirements were that only two people who resided together and were qualified to marry except that they were the same gender. Additional requirements were later added for the partners to maintain mutual financial responsibility and for both to be at to the lowest degree eighteen years old and able to enter into a legal contract.[5]

San Francisco [edit]

In 1982, Brougham's definition was modified past Supervisor Harry Britt, a gay man appointed to replace Harvey Milk. Britt's version was adopted and passed past the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, but Dianne Feinstein, mayor of San Francisco at the time, came under intense pressure from the Cosmic Church and vetoed the beak.[6] In 1989, a domestic partnership constabulary was adopted in San Francisco.[7] However, voters repealed the domestic partnership law past initiative; a modified version was reinstated by another voter initiative, 1990'due south Proffer K, as well written by Britt.[eight] [9] Currently, the metropolis still offers a domestic partnership status separate and differing in benefits from that offered past the state; city residents can apply for both.[10]

According to the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, "In 1982, the term 'domestic partner' was first used in a lawsuit filed by San Francisco Man Rights Commission employee Larry Brinkin. Mr. Brinkin, and then an employee of Southern Pacific Railway, had recently suffered the loss of his partner of eleven years. When he was denied the three days of paid bereavement leave given to married employees, he filed conform with the help of the ACLU. Mr. Brinkin lost his case. Despite a peachy deal of prove to the contrary, the guess agreed with his employer's claim that at that place was no fashion to know if his relationship was legitimate."[11]

Berkeley [edit]

In 1983, the City Council of Berkeley, California, under the leadership of Mayor Gus Newport, ordered their Human being Relations and Welfare Committee to develop a domestic partnership proposal. The Commission appointed its Vice-Chair, Leland Traiman, a gay activist, to head the Domestic Partner Task Force and typhoon a policy. Working with Tom Brougham, members of the Due east Bay Lesbian/Gay Democratic Lodge, and attorney Matt Coles, the Domestic Partner Job Force drafted what has become the template for domestic partner/civil union policies around the world. The City of Berkeley's Man Relations and Welfare Commission held a public hearing early in 1984 on "Examining the Use of Marriage to Decide Benefits and Liabilities in Berkeley and the Alternatives". A policy was adopted past the Commission and presented to the City Council. A copy was sent to the Berkeley School Board. In July 1984 the City Council voted downward the proposal citing fiscal concerns. On Baronial i, 1984, the Berkeley Schoolhouse Board enacted the policy past a 4 to 1 vote. The school lath motion was made by lath member and customs activist Ethel Manheimer.[12]

In November 1984, all the metropolis council members upwardly for election who had voted against the policy lost reelection. Progressives from the Berkeley Citizens' Action (BCA) slate who replaced them had voiced stiff support for a domestic partner policy. The East Bay Lesbian/Gay Autonomous Club had worked hard to elect the BCA Slate. This was the first fourth dimension domestic partners was a campaign event. At the first meeting of the new City Quango in December 1984, the Berkeley City Council enacted a policy extending employee benefits to single couples of whatsoever gender. The first couple to file for benefits under Berkeley'due south sex activity-neutral policy were Brougham and his partner Barry Warren.

Still, the City Quango did not create a registry for domestic partners until 1991. On Oct xi of that year, 28 lesbian and gay male couples and i heterosexual couple registered their partnerships. The registry and benefits were besides extended to non-resident couples that same year.

W Hollywood [edit]

In 1985, Due west Hollywood metropolis council member John Heilman successfully introduced domestic partner legislation for city residents and employees that was passed by the urban center council and created the first domestic partnership registry.[four]

Statewide [edit]

California [edit]

California created the first state-level domestic partnership in the U.s.a. in 1999. Constructive from January 1, 2020, domestic partnerships will be legally available to all couples consisting of any two people, regardless of gender over 18 years old. The California Governor signed the bill SB-30 into law on July 30, 2019.[thirteen] [14]

On September iv, 2003 the California legislature passed an expanded domestic partnership neb, extending all of the state legal rights and responsibilities of marriage to people in state domestic partnerships. California's comprehensive domestic partner legislation was the first same-sex couples policy in the United states of america created by a legislature without a courtroom gild. The legislation became effective Jan 1, 2005.

Pre-existing municipal and county domestic partnership ordinances remain in force unless repealed by their local governments. Thus, residents of San Francisco, W Hollywood, and a few other locations may cull between a local domestic partnership, a California domestic partnership, or marriage. Naught in either the 1999 or 2003 domestic partnership legislation applies to any of the municipal or canton domestic partnership ordinances, whose scopes are extremely limited and are non portable exterior of the jurisdiction that issued them.

The State of California has developed an Online Cocky-Assistance Center that provides resources and information to help domestic partners in many areas, including filing domestic partnerships, dissolving domestic partnerships, parenting bug, revenue enhancement bug, and more.

Colorado [edit]

Since July i, 2009 unmarried couples have been legally able to enter a designated beneficiary understanding which volition grant them limited rights.[15] A law on civil unions went into effect on May one, 2013.

District of Columbia [edit]

Washington, D.C., has recognized domestic partnerships since 1992. However, Congress prohibited the District from spending whatsoever local funds to implement the law. The prohibition was lifted in the federal appropriations act for the District for the 2002 fiscal year. Domestic partnership in the Commune is open to both same-sexual activity and opposite-sex couples. All couples registered as domestic partners are entitled to the same rights every bit family unit members to visit their domestic partners in the hospital and to make decisions concerning the treatment of a domestic partner's remains after the partner's death. The measure out likewise grants District of Columbia government employees rights to a number of benefits. Domestic partners are eligible for wellness care insurance coverage, can use annual leave or unpaid go out for the birth or adoption of a dependent child or to care for a domestic partner or a partner'southward dependents, and can make funeral arrangements for a deceased partner. The Domestic Partnership Equality Amendment Act of 2006, D.C. Law 16-79, came into issue on April iv, 2006. This act provides that in almost all cases a domestic partner will have the same rights equally a spouse regarding inheritance, probate, guardianship, and other rights traditionally accorded to spouses.[16] D.C. Council on May half-dozen, 2008 canonical the improver of 39 new provisions to the urban center's domestic partners law, bringing the law to a betoken where same-sex couples who annals as domestic partners will receive most, but not quite all, of the rights and benefits of spousal relationship under Commune constabulary.[17]

Hawaii [edit]

Reciprocal beneficiary registration was enacted in 1997. The constabulary took effect on June 1, 1997.

Maine [edit]

In Apr 2004 the legislature passed a domestic partnership bill. The law, which provides same-sex individuals with inheritance rights over their partners' property and guardianship over their deceased partner, went into event on July 30, 2004. On May 6, 2009, Maine'southward legislature and governor enacted a law to legalize aforementioned-sex activity marriage, but on November iii, 2009, that police was repealed by voters.[18] [19] Maine legalized same-sex activity marriage in December 2012.[xx]

Maryland [edit]

Since July i, 2008, single couples have been able to enter a designated unregistered casher understanding which will grant them limited rights such as the correct to visit i another in the hospital, the right to share a room in a nursing home, and the right to make funeral decisions.[21] A constabulary on same-sex marriage went into effect on January ane, 2013.

Nevada [edit]

In Nevada domestic partnerships are granted all the benefits, rights, obligations and/or responsibilities of matrimony (for whatsoever two adults over 18, regardless of gender) and these accept become legally available since October one, 2009. The act specifically excludes requiring whatsoever entity to provide health benefits to domestic partners. In add-on, due to vagueness in the circumlocution of the act, nearly companies and entities inside Nevada refuse to admit or beget any major benefits or rights to registered domestic partners, leaving legal activity as the only avenue to garner individual rights.

New Bailiwick of jersey [edit]

Domestic partnerships in New Jersey have been available since July thirty, 2004 for same-sex couples, and for opposite-sex activity couples in which both people are higher up the age of 62.[22] However, on October 25, 2006, the Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled that under the New Bailiwick of jersey state constitution, the state could not deny the benefits of matrimony to same-sex couples, although the courtroom left it upwards to the legislature whether to call such relationships wedlock or to utilize a different term. Complying with the court'due south ruling, on Dec 14, 2006, the New Bailiwick of jersey Legislature passed a pecker establishing civil unions for aforementioned-sex couples, which was signed into law by the governor on December 21 and came into upshot on February nineteen, 2007.

Oregon [edit]

The governor of Oregon, Ted Kulongoski, signed a domestic partnership pecker into law on May nine, 2007. Chosen the Oregon Family Fairness Act, the police would provide several major rights to same-sex couples that were previously only given to married couples, including the ability to file jointly on insurance forms, infirmary visitation rights, and rights relating to the deceased partner. The constabulary'south initial implementation was delayed by a federal Courtroom, but the injunction was lifted on February ane, 2008 and the law went into effect on February 4.[23]

Washington [edit]

In the country of Washington, Governor Christine Gregoire signed into law legislation allowing express domestic partnership on April 21, 2007. The law, which took upshot July 22, 2007 and expanded to all areas except for marriage in 2008 and 2009, permits same-sex activity couples (too as heterosexual couples when one individual is at least age 62) to annals in a domestic partnership registry that allows couples infirmary visitation rights, the ability to authorize autopsies and organ donations, and inheritance rights when in that location is no will.[24] This follows the 1998 passage of a bill past the Washington State legislature that divers marriage as existence betwixt a man and a adult female; this legislation was upheld by the Washington State Supreme Court in 2006.[25] [26]

Same-sexual practice marriage was legalized in Washington with outcome from Dec six, 2012. As a effect, the domestic partnership law was amended so that from June 30, 2014, domestic partnerships will be available only when at least one of the partners is sixty-two years of age or older.[27]

Wisconsin [edit]

Wisconsin was the offset state in the Midwest to legislatively enact aforementioned-sexual activity unions. Out of well-nigh xxx states that have bans on aforementioned-sex spousal relationship and civil unions, Wisconsin was the first (and only) to enact domestic partnerships.[28]

On March v, 2009 Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle proposed legislation for same-sex partnerships in Wisconsin.

In June 2009, the Wisconsin Land Assembly and Senate both passed the biennial state budget which includes domestic partnership protections for the state's aforementioned-sex couples.[29] [30]

On June 29, 2009, Governor Jim Doyle signed the upkeep, giving final approval to limited domestic partnership benefits for aforementioned-sex couples living in Wisconsin.[31]

On July 23, 2009, three members of Wisconsin Family Action filed a petition for an original action in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, seeking a declaration that the domestic partner registry is unconstitutional nether the state'southward Spousal relationship Protection Subpoena.[32]

The law went into result on August 3, 2009.

November four, 2009: The Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected Appling v. Doyle, Wisconsin Family Activity's legal challenge to domestic partnerships.[33]

May 13, 2011: Governor Scott Walker asked to withdraw the state's defense of the domestic partnership registry.[34]

June xx, 2011: Dane County Judge Dan Moeser ruled that the domestic partnership registry does not violate the state constitution, finding that the state "does non recognize domestic partnership in a way that fifty-fifty remotely resembles how the state recognizes marriage".[35]

Wisconsin ended its domestic partnership registry on Apr 1, 2018.

Other states [edit]

Many states recognize through their judicial systems cohabitation agreements and mutual constabulary partner agreements concluded between two partners in a human relationship. These are de facto domestic partnerships that protect both parties and allow for shared belongings and court recognition of their relationships.[36]

Sometimes adult adoption by gay couples creates a de jure domestic partnership in all 50 states.[37]

Local level [edit]

United States War machine [edit]

On Feb xi, 2013, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta submitted a memorandum (discipline: Extending Benefits to Same-Sexual activity Domestic Partners of Military Members) that outlined benefits that would be made available to service members in domestic partnerships.[38] The newly listed benefits bachelor to gay and lesbian service members was to include:

  • Dependant ID Cards
  • Commissary privileges
  • Substitution privileges
  • Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) privileges
  • Surveys of Military Families
  • Quadrennial Quality of Life Review
  • Emergency Leave
  • Emergency Leave of Absence
  • Youth Sponsorship Program
  • Youth Programs
  • Family Center Programs
  • Sexual Attack Counselling Program
  • Articulation Duty Assignments
  • Exemption from Hostile-Burn Areas
  • Transportation to and from certain places of employment and on military machine installations, equally well as chief and secondary school for dependants
  • Authority of Service Secretary to Transport Remains of a Dependant
  • Disability and Death Compensation: Dependants of Members Held every bit Captives
  • Payments to Missing Persons
  • Space-Available Travel on DoD Aircraft
  • Child Intendance
  • Legal Aid

Implementation of the plan was cancelled once the Supreme Court handed downwardly its opinion in United States v. Windsor.

In Europe [edit]

In France since 1968, article 515-81 of Code civil defines domestic partnership (in French: concubinage or concubinage notoire [39]) as a de facto union between 2 persons, of unlike sex or of aforementioned sexual activity, characterised past a stable and continuous cohabitation and partnership. The French fiscal administration takes information technology into business relationship in the calculation of the solidarity tax on wealth only not for other purposes. All children enjoy equal right whether within or outside marriage. Since 1999 French law also provides for a ceremonious solidarity pact (in French: pacte ceremonious de solidarité, or PACS), a contractual form of civil union between two adults bringing additional rights and responsibilities, but less and then than marriage.

Hungary has domestic partnerships, whereas almost other nations in Europe recognize some form of civil unions, too called a registered partnership, or ceremonious partnership for aforementioned-sexual activity partners, which afford rights similar to matrimony to LGBT couples. Republic of croatia besides had domestic partnerships until June 2014 when Croation parliament passed a police force allowing civil partnerships for same-sexual practice couples giving them all rights except adoption rights.

In Hungary, since 1995[40] domestic partnership in the form of unregistered cohabitation offers a limited set of rights compared to marriage in a Civil Lawmaking (more in the field of health and alimony; but no inheritance), although a growing number of Hungarian couples, both opposite-sexual activity couples and same-sex couples choose this kind of partnership instead of wedlock. In April 2009, the Hungarian Parliament passed a Registration Partnership Human activity 2009 with a vote of 199–159, which provides a registered partnership for same-sex couples with all the benefits and entitlements of marriage (except for marriage itself, adoption, IVF access, taking a partner's surname, parentage and surrogacy). The law was passed in December 2007 past a vote of 110–78, but the Constitutional Courtroom of Hungary was "securely concerned" that the law was a duplication of contrary-sexual activity marriage benefits and entitlements, and so aforementioned-sex couples just registration was called. Some politicians of the Alliance of Free Democrats and Hungarian Socialist Party parties accept argued for the introduction of marriage for aforementioned-sex activity couples. The Registration Partnership Act 2009 came into outcome from July i, 2009.[41]

In Oceania [edit]

Australia [edit]

Since Jan ix, 2018 same-sex wedlock became legal throughout Australia. Since July 1, 2009, Commonwealth of australia too recognises de facto relationships for all couples of whatsoever sex.

  • Australian Capital Territory (domestic relationship status provided from 1994 and Civil relationship provided since 2008).[42]
  • Commonwealth (federal Government of Australia provides both a de facto and registered human relationship since 2009).
  • New S Wales (de facto condition provided since 1999, expanded further in 2002, 2005 and 2008). [43]
  • Norfolk Island (de facto status provided from 2006).
  • Northern Territory (de facto status provided since 2003).
  • Queensland (de facto status provided since 1999, expanded further in 2002).[44]
  • Due south Australia (domestic relationship condition provided since 2007).
  • Tasmania (de facto condition provided from 2003, "Registry system/Pregnant Relationships" provided since 2004) Recognition of aforementioned-sexual practice unions in Tasmania
  • Victoria (domestic relationship status provided since 2001 and a "registry arrangement" has been provided since 2008).
  • Western Australia (de facto condition provided since 2002).

New Zealand [edit]

In 2001, the Property (Relationships) Deed 1976 was extended to offering partners in unregistered "de facto" relationships similar rights to those of married couples. A de facto human relationship is defined as a relationship between two persons living equally a couple, who are not married or in a civil union. This applies to both heterosexual and same sexual activity couples.[45] Since 2013, aforementioned-sex marriage is legally recognised and performed within New Zealand and still includes unregistered "de facto" relationships similar rights to those of married couples.

Meet also [edit]

  • Cohabitation
  • Civil marriage
  • Civil union
  • Costless union
  • Common-constabulary wedlock
  • Same-sex spousal relationship
    • Same-sex marriage in California

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Domestic Partnership Data", Metropolis of Phoenix
  2. ^ "Domestic Partner Registry", Maine Sectionalisation Of Public Health Systems
  3. ^ Zentner, Emily. "I Exercise: California Domestic Partnerships Surge After More Opposite-Sex Couples Allowed To File", CapRadio, September 22, 2020
  4. ^ a b "A Cursory History of Domestic Partnerships" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on November 16, 2010. Retrieved July ane, 2010.
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  9. ^ Reinhold, Robert (October 30, 1990). "Campaign Trail; 2 Candidates Who Beat Decease Itself". New York Times.
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  14. ^ "Domestic Partnerships Are Not Just for Same-Sex activity Couples Anymore in California". CNN. July 31, 2019. Retrieved March 27, 2021.
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  22. ^ "Registering a Domestic Partnership in New Bailiwick of jersey" (PDF). New Jersey Department of Health . Retrieved March 27, 2021.
  23. ^ "Oregon governor signs gay rights bills". May 9, 2007. Archived from the original on July 10, 2015. Retrieved July 10, 2015.
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  27. ^ "26.60.030 Requirements". Archived from the original on December 8, 2012. Retrieved December 10, 2012.
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  29. ^ "Doyle: Budget delay hurting schools". Archived from the original on Jan 3, 2013. Retrieved June 18, 2009.
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  31. ^ "Basic Decency in Wisconsin « Human Rights Campaign". HRC Back Story. June 30, 2009. Archived from the original on July two, 2010. Retrieved July 1, 2010.
  32. ^ "Wisconsin Family Activeness: Asks State Supreme Court to declare Gov. Doyle's statewide, aforementioned-sex domestic partnership registry unconstitutional". Archived from the original on June 27, 2010. Retrieved July 1, 2010.
  33. ^ "Wisconsin Supreme Courtroom Rejects Example Seeking to Strip Away Domestic Partnership Protections" (press release), Fair Wisconsin, November iv, 2009.
  34. ^ "Wis. Gov. Fights Domestic Partnership Registry". The Advocate. May 17, 2011. Retrieved March 27, 2021.
  35. ^ "Guess rules Wisconsin same sex registry is constitutional". Archived from the original on Oct 17, 2015. Retrieved July one, 2017.
  36. ^ Dickler, Jessica. "Prenups aren't just for married couples anymore". CNNMoney. Archived from the original on March 8, 2016. Retrieved April 13, 2016.
  37. ^ "Developed Adoption: A New Legal Tool for Lesbians and gay men". Golden Gate Academy. Archived from the original on December 20, 2013. Retrieved March 30, 2012.
  38. ^ "MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARIES OF THE Armed services DEPARTMENTS Interim UNDER Secretarial assistant OF Defence FOR PERSONNEL AND READINESS" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on July 1, 2013. Retrieved July 6, 2013.
  39. ^ "Concubinage". Archived from the original on Dec 22, 2015. )
  40. ^ "14/1995. (3. 13.) AB hatαrozat". Archived from the original on Apr seven, 2014. Retrieved April v, 2014.
  41. ^ "Gay and Lesbian Spousal relationship, Partnership or Unions Worldwide". UK Gay News. Archived from the original on June 15, 2009. Retrieved July i, 2010.
  42. ^ "DOMESTIC RELATIONSHIPS ACT 1994 (NO 28 OF 1994)". Archived from the original on June 28, 2010. Retrieved July 1, 2010.
  43. ^ "Homepage". Understanding Your Legal Rights - A Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men in NSW. Archived from the original on Baronial eight, 2007.
  44. ^ "Acts equally passed - Queensland Legislation - Queensland Regime" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on May 24, 2017. Retrieved March seven, 2018.
  45. ^ "Property (Relationships) Act 1976". New Zealand Legislation, Parliamentary Counsel Office. June 18, 2009. Archived from the original on February 13, 2012. Retrieved June 12, 2012.

External links [edit]

  • Same-Sex Union, Civil Unions, and Domestic Partnerships topic page from The New York Times
  • Domestic Partnership, Encyclopædia Britannica
  • What rights do I have every bit office of an unmarried couple

What Is A Registered Partnership,


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